Page 11 - Networking Receptions - Networking for Law Students Series_1 (1)
P. 11


                      Networking Receptions

                      Dos and Don’ts – Don’ts

                   •  Don’t - Before you even think about it- no, you should not bring your resume to a
                       networking  reception  or  event  (with  the  exception  of  job  fairs).    But  you  can
                       absolutely  weave  certain  aspects  of  your  resume  into  a  conversation.    This
                       should  be  seamless.    For  instance,  if  I  were  talking  about  sports,  I  would  say
                       something like "when I was working at this alternative court in Midtown my boss
                       was a Yankee fan – hey we all have our issues but I can forgive him just this
                       once- but I’m a Met fan and he said..." or “when I was working in real estate one
                       of our clients had this ridiculous shrine to the Bulls and...” Or I can weave it in
                       another  way.    For  instance,  Miami  is  an  area  infamous  for  its  lack  of  public
                       transportation  which  is  in  stark  contrast  with  my  home  state  of  New  York–
                       everything was a quick subway, train, taxi/uber, or bus ride away.  When I was in
                       Miami, I talked about how fast I had been able to get to work in New York and
                       how different it was there.  "The court where I worked was in Midtown Manhattan.
                       So I would just have to go about two stops on either the E or the C train and then
                       it was about a 12-minute uber ride from there to the mayor’s office for the anti-
                       human  trafficking  committees  that  we'd  go  to  about  once  every  month...but  it
                       takes me about an hour to get to school from my apartment when it should take
                       me about 20 minutes!”  They'll probably interrupt you or wait until you finish but
                       they'll probably ask you more about it, particularly since it something other than
                       the typical ‘woe-is-me’ story.  They’ll interject or respond with “wait you worked at
             ’d you like that” or something to that effect.

                   •  Don’t- People tend to advise that in business settings, one should always avoid
                       three  topics  of  conversation  --  sex,  religion,  and  politics.    It  is  ALWAYS
                       inappropriate  for  you  as  a  student,  trying  to  get  your  proverbial  foot  in  the
                       proverbial  door,  to  initiate  a  sexual  conversation  or  use  sexual  innuendo  in  a
                       conversation while networking, particularly at a reception or event held solely for
                       the purpose of networking.  You can talk about politics (and possibly religion but
                       it’s not recommended), but so as not to offend, talk about politics from a high-
                       minded/intellectual perspective rather than an emotional one.

                   •  In the event that they do not respond to your follow-up right away, do not send
                       an angry message or even a message saying anything to the effect of “haven’t
                       heard from you…”.

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