Page 15 - Untitled
P. 15

                              The plenary meeting of that organization immediately devolved into
                       one board member verbally attacking another and explaining why certain
                       things  were  not  done  that  apparently  should  have  been  done.  About  15
                       minutes  later,  things  had  gotten  so  bad,  that  a  general  member made  a
                       motion  to  adjourn  the  meeting  and  the  meeting  was  adjourned  shortly
                       thereafter.    As  a  visitor to  that organization,  I  was  incredibly  annoyed  -  I
                       spent  money/time  traveling  to  come  to  this  event,  chose  it  over  another
                       event that I could have attended, and it was a waste of my time.  It turned
                       me  off  to  the  organization  that  people  would  act  that  way  for  such
                       objectively silly and selfish reasons.  It also turned other people off to both
                       of  those  board  members  –  the  board  member  being  accused  AND  the
                       board member making the accusations.

                               (2) I was serving on the board during the largest general meeting of
                       another organization toward the end of the academic year.  This was one
                       such  organization  where  nearly  every  year  this  large  meeting  usually
                       devolves  at  some  point  into  rudeness  by  general  members.      Not  fully
                       understanding the impact of his comments, a board member, with whom I
                       had  served  for  the  better  part  of  a  year    and  with  whom  I  had  a  great
                       professional working relationship, stated words to the effect of “how do we
                       know  the  votes  are  legit”,  both  the  question  and  his  tone  of  voice  led
                       everyone in the room to believe that he was implying that I hadn’t done my
                       job as the relevant board member in that situation.  What he actually meant
                       was that he thought that he observed members “cheating” when it was time
                       to  count  votes  such  that  one  part  of  the  organization  had  more  voting
                       power than others.  However, even without the alleged cheating, this part
                       of  the  organization  would  have  had  more  voting  power  anyway  as  more
                       members from that part of the organization showed up to the meeting.  In
                       that situation, I wish that he had first discussed it with me.  First, it really
                       doesn’t  matter  if  one  part  of  the  organization  has  more  voting  members
                       than the others- people do not always vote the way you think they might or
                       even objectively should.  Some members vote for personal reasons, ones
                       that  no  one  else  will  ever  know  about.    Other  members  have  voted
                       for/against some things for very superficial reasons like the person with the
                       idea/motion  happens  to  be  physically  attractive  or  because  their
                       friend/acquaintance voted for/against and they feel like they need to vote in
                       the  same  way  so  as  not  to  anger  that  friend/acquaintance,  or  simply
                       because they want to end the meeting, so on and so forth.  And with all due
                       respect  to  that  board  member,  who  cares?!  Sure,  the  ideal  is  to  have  a
                       more equal proportion of all types of members to the organization but as
                       leaders, you must go with who showed up to the meeting, provided that the
                       board  has  properly  notified  members  of  the  meeting  and  the  numbers
                       coincide  with  your  organization’s  governing  documents.    Secondly,  his
                       comments,  tone,  and  particularly  since  he  was  a  fellow  board  member,
                       gave some general members the go-ahead to be rather rude to me and it
                       wasted a lot of time at the meeting. Time that could have been used to

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