Page 13 - Untitled
P. 13


                      Overlooked Forms of Networking
                      Leadership in Law Student


                       While it is a form of networking, don’t just step up to lead for the wrong reasons-
               namely it will look good on a resume, to get attention, or gain a sense of power over
               others.  Leadership should be servient!  Serve as opposed to being served! Leadership
               does  involve  some  level  of  sacrifice  -  certainly  your  time,  effort,  ideas,  and  perhaps
               even money.  It should not include sacrificing your word, your health, your reputation, or
               your education.

                       Leadership,  whatever  the  position  and  whatever  the  organization,  will  not
               overcome low grades to an employer!  So, if you are planning to run or be appointed to
               a  position  solely  for  that  purpose,  think  again,  as  you  will  probably  be  disappointed.
               And here’s the thing about serving solely for the purpose of putting something on one’s
               resume,  anything  you  put  on  your  resume  is  considered  “fair  game”  to  a  potential
               employer. If they ask you about some title you have and you are unable to speak about
               what  you  personally  accomplished  in  that  role,  it  could  potentially  work  against  you.
               Additionally, serving in a position solely to put it on a resume is incredibly short-sighted.
               Someone else in that role with more dedication could create other opportunities for you
               and other members that could help you career-wise.

                       But  it  is  a form of  networking.    You  will  be  not  only  networking  with  other law
               students but members of the legal community. And as a leader of an organization, you
               are privy to information that you may not learn about otherwise.  You also may be able
               to control how that information is disseminated. For instance, in the human rights group
               I was involved with, the rest of the executive board and I were able to choose the date
               and  time  for  the  trainings  we  offered  from  which  we  ourselves  also  benefitted.  Also,
               while  serving  as  the  1L  Academic Coordinator as  a  1L  myself,  the  chapter president
               encouraged me to schedule tutoring sessions with our chapter’s alum when I personally
               was available. Serving in a leadership position is a platform both now and even after
               you  graduate  as  many  organizations  will  reach  out  to  past  members  for  guidance.  I
               would urge you though to perform well- and let that speak for itself.  Word-of-mouth is
               still the best form of advertising when it comes to your abilities. And in serving others,
               you do serve yourself.  Even when in conjunction with this Networking for Law Students
               Series for other people, I either confirmed things for myself or learned some things that I
               hadn’t even thought of.

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